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Ceroc Ignite - Wild West

Event date:


Ceroc Ignite - Wild West

Event description

Howdy Partners!
Tonight's the night to get on down to the rodeo and strut your stuff, just no spurs on the dance floor!

We ain't got no mind if you are an Old Timer or a Tenderfoot, you are just as welcome at our Wild West Freestyle.

Dig out your best bib and tucker, or check shirt and jeans.
But most of all bring your smiles and we'll all be havin' a hog-killin' time (no animals will be harmed) all night.

Nowt but rip roarin' bang up tunes all night from our star DJs to keep your toes a tappin'

Saloon doors open at 8pm and we'll be winding it all up by midnight.

Entry is just ten pieces of gold (£10) on the door or in advance at our classes.
Bar available.

Booking options:

Pay On The Door

Event summary

Ceroc Ignite Wild West Freestyle

Event timing and prices

Doors open at 8pm
Dancing until midnight
Admission £10 on the door.
Cash or card accepted.
Bar Available

Event type:




Travel & Parking information

Come out of the city on Cregagh Road.
Gibson Road is on the left straight after the B&M shop.
Parking available in the rugby club car park and at the bottom of Gibson Park Avenue, Belfast BT6 9GL

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