DAVENTRY EVENT: The Black & Bling Thing 3 Room Freestyle
Event date:
Event description
TBA . . .
Booking options:
Not Yet Open
Venue information:
Daventry Leisure Centre, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP
Event summary
Daventry Event
3 Rooms - 5 DJ's - 3am Finish
Booking Not Yet Open
Event timing and prices
TBA . . .
Event type:
Travel & Parking information
Ceroc Daventry is at Daventry Leisure Centre and is located on Lodge Road (B4036) directly opposite the Council Buildings. If you need directions please search for 'Ceroc Daventry' in Google Maps and click directions.
You can access Lodge Road from the north via Eastern Way (A4256) or from the South via Abbey Street (B4036) which can be access via the bypass (A425) or via the town centre from New Street.
Once parked in either of the 2 car parks, walk up to the front of the Leisure Centre
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